Editting our second rush

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Our second rush is an amalgamation of shots from the tea party section. We have experimented with a number of different shots and will ask for feedback from our target market to see which shots they like. Although we will not include all of the shots in our rush and there are a number of repeated shots from different angels, I have editted the shots in a chronological sequence to give a sense of our linear narrative.

Feedback from 1st Rush

After we had finished our first rush, we were asked to present it to the class, and recieve feedback from both our teacher and classmates. In general the feedback we recieved was positive, although there were several areas in which we could improve, the main feedback points we were given were:

  • Camerawork was sometimes shaky
  • Close up of dolls eyes supported genre well- it was creepy and invasive
  • Alternative opening was preffered to original scripted plan
  • Arrangement of the 3 toys next to each other- superficial, they should be more strewn across the floor or in a toybox
  • Panning shot did not work with the other shots we had
  • The titles used and their placement was consistent and effective
  • Music was effective; but it could be built up at different points and faded out
  • The tilt shot of dolls plait was popular with our tested audience
  • The shots had a good flow to them, they were all close up shots, which made for an intimate environment
  • The combination of movement and still shots, proved to be popular
  • The props chosen, were realistic and came in adherence to our chosen genre

For our next rush, we plan to replicate the sequence in which our protagonist is setting up the tea-party for herself and her teddy bear. Again, we hope to stick to the shooting script we have already written for this scene, but we will shoot some extra shots from different angles just in case. To eliminate some of the problems suggested above, we will aim to shoot the majority of our shots on a tripod or to try and shoot them with as steadier hand as possible. Additionally, it is likely that we will spend more time on the sound aspect of this project, given the fact that this section of our film will involve many foley’s as the girl sets up her tea-party. We will also film this Rush at Megan’s house, on location and thus would expect it to be more representative of what our final piece will look like thanour last rush. Filming on location will also help us to get a sense of the positioning of both actors and props within our film and the effects that they might have.

Shooting Script

This is our shooting script giving information on each shot. We have highlighted in which shots our actresses and different props appear to save us time in the filming process.

Making our first Rush

Here are some pictures of us filming clips for our first rush film. This Rush was supposed to be a mock of our film opening, including several close ups of the toys we would use in our final piece. As well as sticking to our storyboard and replicating the first few shots in our opening, we filmed several other close-ups of the toys, from different angles. In total we shot 89 separate clips, which we then uploaded to a computer and edited on Adobe Premier Pro. we added sound and titles to make our rush more realistic, selecting only a small fraction of the shots we filmed to use in the final edited version.


The equipment we used to film this rush include, a Panasonic HX-WA10 HD video camera, and a mini tripod.


The props we used to film our rush, are some of the toys that we we will use in our final piece. They can be seen below:



We began our storyboard in class and this will later contribute to the making of our animatics. In the process of making our storyboard we have begun to think more about how camera angles and movement will contribute to creating the atmosphere we want to achieve and support the horror genre. On the front of each shot we have drawn a still image and any camera movement, on the back we have written the duration of the shot, any movement, any dialogue, the angle and actors or props involved which will help us later with organisation in the filming process.

