Rush 1 – Toy section

This is a rush featuring potential clips from the very begining section of our sequence. We first edited together shots that featured in our storyboard. Then we added other experimental shots that we took on the day of filming our rush; which we formed an alternative opening with.

Shooting Script

This is our shooting script giving information on each shot. We have highlighted in which shots our actresses and different props appear to save us time in the filming process.

Evidence of Time Management

When making our rush, myself and Esther had a very tight deadline to keep to, this meant that we had to visit the media department during any lunch times and free periods that we had, managing our time as effectively as we could in order to complete our video. This is a picture, depicting evidence of a few of the times we visited the department to edit our rush. It is a shot of the log book, which must be signed by students every time they wish to use the media lab.IMG_0321

Making our first Rush

Here are some pictures of us filming clips for our first rush film. This Rush was supposed to be a mock of our film opening, including several close ups of the toys we would use in our final piece. As well as sticking to our storyboard and replicating the first few shots in our opening, we filmed several other close-ups of the toys, from different angles. In total we shot 89 separate clips, which we then uploaded to a computer and edited on Adobe Premier Pro. we added sound and titles to make our rush more realistic, selecting only a small fraction of the shots we filmed to use in the final edited version.


The equipment we used to film this rush include, a Panasonic HX-WA10 HD video camera, and a mini tripod.


The props we used to film our rush, are some of the toys that we we will use in our final piece. They can be seen below:



Location: As previously established the location we have chosen to use is my house.

Camera: The camera we will use to film our clip is a digital SLR camera.The SLR camera, will give us a clear and high quality image, and can be lent to us from the school, as long as we book its usage in advance. Alongside this we will use several types of equipment, such as a tripod. If need be, we also have a steady cam available to us.

Lighting: We have, available to us a lighting kit, which we may decide to use for our opening. Whether or not we use this kit will become clear to us when we begin to film our preliminary clips. If the lighting in these needs alteration, (particularly if it is too dark) we will then use the kit to change it. Having said all of this, we do need to learn how to set up the lighting kit, something we can do with the aid of a video like the one below:

What did we learn from our Anamatic feedback

Following the exhibition of our Anamatic we have received feedback from our target audience.

General story was easily understood
Clear sense of character was conveyed

Intimate close ups are popular
Good variety of shots
Good use of pans
Editing/ camera angles could be too jumpy
Could use of POV shot from the bear
More close ups on pins
Make movement reflect state of mind

Music needs to esculate
Good contrast of diegetic and non-diegetic
Good use of foley’s
Possibly could use childlike music e.g. Nursery rhyme
Layer more sounds

Props create a good atmosphere e.g. bear and tea party
Show more location
Spend more time on pins and scissors

Atmosphere can be confusing – not consistent enough
Music adheres to horror genre
More hints at unsettling behaviour e.g. more shots of pins and voices

Positioning is good
Need to think about font and colour